PoliticsI include here most of my research into the various political claims that have been made by Christians and Christian organizations. Some of this data dates back to 2007-2008 when there was considerable political activity on several of these issues. Although some of the research is old I find Christians are still using these issues to address things today. I have seen some of these on facebook and heard some of them in sermons as late as August of 2013. So it is important to be informed and know what is true and what is not... Other information will be added as I have time.
Discussion of basic ideology .. Myths and Mythunderstandings My original page that discusses problems with Christians and politics Free Speech Claims and concerns Analyses the concerns some Christians have about free speech threats. Hate Crime Laws Analyzes the concerns some Christians have about hate crime laws. ENDA Takes a look at the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (2007-2008) but I think what I say here is still relevant today. Biblical justification for ENDA? Explores whether scripture justifies our opposition to ENDA. Analysis of objections Analyses Christian objections to ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act Alleged Incidents involving people and/or organizations.. “Church” in New Jersey being sued for not allowing a lesbian wedding “Natural Family” “Marriage” phrases allegedly punishable as hate speech Pastor Ake Green sentenced to prison Gives the full story on this. Pastor in Australia alleged free speech discrimination Philadelphia 11 arrested for “peacefully” sharing the gospel Pittsburgh nurse and free speech issue Salvation Army and loss of funding for Meals on Wheels funding Teacher and the Declaration of Independence .. whether it can be shared in the classroom or not. Alleged Incidents involving ads, publications, or printing of material Anti-Gay Billboard Ads removed –is it a free speech issue? Video Duplicator forced to make copies Reference pages referred to in above pages.. F.A.C.E Federal Regulation House Judiciary Committee Discussion of HR 1592 AFA Law Suit Against San Francisco |