Holiness Word Study
"Holiness" describes the character of God -- "God is Holy!"
English Term Greek Word Meaning
Saints (noun) Hagioi believers who have responded to God’s
invitation to be disciples of Jesus. They are
the "called out ones" who make up the church.
(I Cor 1:2)
Holiness (noun) hagiasmos State or condition of being holy
Sanctification hagiasmoso process of making a person holy
Sanctify (verb) hagiozo to make holy; to dedicate or purify
Holy (adjective) hagios belonging to God, sacred, pure
God calls us to be holy... see Leviticus 11:44-45, and 19:1-2
God is the one who makes us holy... see Levitcus 20:7-8
Even in the New Testament we are still called to be holy...see Hebrews 12:14, I Peter 1:15-16.
We are to be a holy priesthood... see I Peter 2:4-6
We pursue holiness by offering ourselves completely to God... see Romans 6:15-19, and Romans 12:1-2