Biblical basis for supporting ENDA
What follows are all the biblical verses that would justify forbidding work to those who are not living out a perfectly holy life.
As you can see there are NO verses that would justify forbidding work to anyone for not living up to your holy standards. I would also add that Christians caught in adultery are still allowed to work. Christians that are sleeping around are still allowed to work. Christians that are working under the table are still allowed to work (unless of course the IRS catches up with them). Additionally Christians that refuse to tithe (thus robbing God of resources to help the poor and needy) are still allowed to work. Now if you are a Christian leader or a pastor you might get fired for some of the above things mentioned. But that can only happen if you are employed by a religious organization or church. Now if you are caught stealing from the company or if you are habitually late or if you habitually leave early or if you in some other way fail to properly do your job then you may be fired.
What follows are the biblical verses that would justify allowing people to work who do not meet your holy standards.
Please read Matthew 25:31-46
This passage, which is well known by most all Christians, lays out very clearly what is expected of us. For those that fed those who were hungry and thirsty Jesus says that whenever you did this to one of the least of these you did this for Him. Those that did this are rewarded with heaven. For those of us who failed to feed the hungry or provide water for the thirsty there is a different reward and it is not heaven. It is eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.
What does this have to do with ENDA?
It has everything to do with ENDA. ENDA insures that no one is fired from their job or passed over because of their real or perceived sexual orientation. Folks, gay people need to eat just like you and I do. They need housing just like you and I do. And they need clothes to wear just like you do. You can either support bills that give them the same rights as you or you can feed, house, and clothe them. That is the biblical response. Additionally, God sends his rain and sunshine on the just and the unjust. For an agricultural society that was dependent on rain and sunshine this was critical. What is God saying? He is saying whether you are good or bad, sinner or saint, he provides what is needed for life. See Matthew 5:43-48. We are called to treat people the same way as God does. The instruction is clear: If you want to be sons of your Father who is in heaven this is what you do.