Method E:
Supporters of Method E do not deny that our disagreements with the other side are serious and profound. .... To be Method E is not to be naive about the other side, nor is it to be lukewarm about one's own convictions.
It is, rather, to insist upon acknowledging and respecting the humanity of those with whom we disagree. For those of us who consider ourselves Christians, we feel that Jesus’ teachings about loving our enemies and blessing those who persecute us call us to reject the approach of Method D in favor of this method.
What are the marks of this method, practically speaking?
· We reject the fear approach of Method D, by opening ourselves to dialogue and relationship with those on the other side.
· We reject the attitude of extreme distrust by listening to those on the other side, learning about their lives, hearing what they have to say about themselves, seeking to understand them and where they are coming from. This does not mean we accept everything the other side says without scrutiny. But it does mean that we open our minds to the possibility that our preconceptions about others are wrong, that others' experiences have differed from ours, and that not everything the "experts"/leaders on our side say about the other side is correct. We believe that one learns more about gays from talking to gays than from talking to James Dobson. We believe that one learns more about ex-gays from talking to ex-gays than from talking to Wayne Besen.
· We reject the attitude of "culture warriors" in favor of seeking ways to promote peaceful, harmonious coexistence. We consider that in spite of our disagreements some of the other side's complaints of injustice and unfair treatment may have merit and should be listened to and addressed.
Definitions of the sides and methods are derived from Bridges-Across web site
Supporters of Method E do not deny that our disagreements with the other side are serious and profound. .... To be Method E is not to be naive about the other side, nor is it to be lukewarm about one's own convictions.
It is, rather, to insist upon acknowledging and respecting the humanity of those with whom we disagree. For those of us who consider ourselves Christians, we feel that Jesus’ teachings about loving our enemies and blessing those who persecute us call us to reject the approach of Method D in favor of this method.
What are the marks of this method, practically speaking?
· We reject the fear approach of Method D, by opening ourselves to dialogue and relationship with those on the other side.
· We reject the attitude of extreme distrust by listening to those on the other side, learning about their lives, hearing what they have to say about themselves, seeking to understand them and where they are coming from. This does not mean we accept everything the other side says without scrutiny. But it does mean that we open our minds to the possibility that our preconceptions about others are wrong, that others' experiences have differed from ours, and that not everything the "experts"/leaders on our side say about the other side is correct. We believe that one learns more about gays from talking to gays than from talking to James Dobson. We believe that one learns more about ex-gays from talking to ex-gays than from talking to Wayne Besen.
· We reject the attitude of "culture warriors" in favor of seeking ways to promote peaceful, harmonious coexistence. We consider that in spite of our disagreements some of the other side's complaints of injustice and unfair treatment may have merit and should be listened to and addressed.
Definitions of the sides and methods are derived from Bridges-Across web site