Kallman's Syndrome
Kallman’s syndrome is a biological condition caused by the lack of GNRH producing cells in the hypothalamus of the brain. Without GnRh hormone the pituitary gland does not produce LH or FSH hormones. Without these hormones the individual will not experience puberty. Thus they are unable to have sex or produce children. Various secondary sex characteristics such as pubic hair, voices changes (for the male) and other secondary characteristics will not happen. With modern medicine and hormonal replacement therapy those with this condition can go through normal puberty and sexual development and sexual function is no different than those who do not have kallman’s syndrome. Also, fertility is typically possible although not guaranteed. For more information click here or here
As additional information… this Side A website describes a eunuch this way...
“R. Joseph said: It must have been such a saris [eunuch] 6 of whom I heard Ammi saying.’He who is afflicted from birth...’ Our Rabbis taught: Who is a congenital saris [a born eunuch]? 13 Any person who is twenty years of age and has not produced two pubic hairs. 14 And even if he produced them afterwards he is deemed to be saris [born eunuch] in all respects. And these are his characteristics: He has no beard, his hair is lank, and his skin is smooth. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel said in the name of R. Judah b. Jair: 15 Any person whose urine produces no froth; some say: He who urinates without forming an arch; some say: He whose semen is watery; and some say: He whose urine does not ferment. Others say: He whose body does not steam after bathing in the winter season. R. Simeon b. Eleazar said: 15 He whose voice is abnormal so that one cannot distinguish whether it is that of a man or of a woman
For the full article please click here. The description above matches up in many ways with kallman’s syndrome... lack of beard... lack of pubic hair... abnormal voice (no voice change in puberty) etc. It would also line up with someone whose testicles are not functional from before puberty either due to a medical issue or castration. So I don’t see how this corresponds to being gay. For a plausible explanation of the possibility that some eunuchs may have been gay please click here.
Kallman’s syndrome is a biological condition caused by the lack of GNRH producing cells in the hypothalamus of the brain. Without GnRh hormone the pituitary gland does not produce LH or FSH hormones. Without these hormones the individual will not experience puberty. Thus they are unable to have sex or produce children. Various secondary sex characteristics such as pubic hair, voices changes (for the male) and other secondary characteristics will not happen. With modern medicine and hormonal replacement therapy those with this condition can go through normal puberty and sexual development and sexual function is no different than those who do not have kallman’s syndrome. Also, fertility is typically possible although not guaranteed. For more information click here or here
As additional information… this Side A website describes a eunuch this way...
“R. Joseph said: It must have been such a saris [eunuch] 6 of whom I heard Ammi saying.’He who is afflicted from birth...’ Our Rabbis taught: Who is a congenital saris [a born eunuch]? 13 Any person who is twenty years of age and has not produced two pubic hairs. 14 And even if he produced them afterwards he is deemed to be saris [born eunuch] in all respects. And these are his characteristics: He has no beard, his hair is lank, and his skin is smooth. R. Simeon b. Gamaliel said in the name of R. Judah b. Jair: 15 Any person whose urine produces no froth; some say: He who urinates without forming an arch; some say: He whose semen is watery; and some say: He whose urine does not ferment. Others say: He whose body does not steam after bathing in the winter season. R. Simeon b. Eleazar said: 15 He whose voice is abnormal so that one cannot distinguish whether it is that of a man or of a woman
For the full article please click here. The description above matches up in many ways with kallman’s syndrome... lack of beard... lack of pubic hair... abnormal voice (no voice change in puberty) etc. It would also line up with someone whose testicles are not functional from before puberty either due to a medical issue or castration. So I don’t see how this corresponds to being gay. For a plausible explanation of the possibility that some eunuchs may have been gay please click here.